Thursday, April 5, 2007

Today, the movers packed our stuff and hauled it away for shipping. So much for Thoreau. The company will pay for 1000 lbs of shipping. With 90 cu. ft. we used up 942 lbs. Of course, that also includes their giant triple thick cardboard boxes. Those things probably weighed like 20 lbs each, and they had like 7. So that means I'm only taking 800 lbs of stuff. That should qualify as below the threshold of materialistic American.

I have too much crap.

Last night I got very little sleep. I was up late packing and getting things sorted out with our house sitter. In theory, I should have gotten 4 hours of sleep, but then I lay awake in bed for at least an hour worrying. I feel like I slept about two hours. The good side of this is I'm exhausted. I should fall asleep early, wake up early and have that much less jet lag to deal with!

Tomorrow is our flight. We have a long day ahead. The thing I'm most worried about is getting the family through customs with our 12 (not a typo) suitcases. Two carts, six bags each plus two kids and jet lag. I think the trick will be to stay focused on the task at hand. Go through each step (I've done it enough times now) from landing to the hotel. Then sleep for two hours.

My next post will be from the UK!

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